
Showing posts from December, 2020

Curfew is On Again, Night Owls

By Diego Garcia III | Editor of The Brownsville Beacon . If you're a night owl, go around hunting Pokemon, or thinking about a midnight snack, you'll have to curb your craving. Citing the rising infection rate and the lack of hospital space, County Judge Eddie Treviño has issued a curfew to start on Friday at 12:01 p.m. Here are the particulars. Nobody out from midnight to 5 a.m. unless seeking medical attention or for "essential travel." Children have to be inside at 10 p.m. Night spots have to cut off their party at 11 p.m. and close by midnight.  Social gatherings of more than 10 are prohibited unless they are members of the same family or the gatherings are approved by the County Judge or the mayor. Nothing was said about limiting capacity, although capacity in restaurants and public places had been limited. That said, several people around town have seen popular eateries filled way past capacity. I guess that late night trip to Whataburger will have t

Turning the Page on 2020

By Diego Garcia III | Editor of The Brownsville Beacon It's turned cold outside. The wind is quietly howling, making the tree in my front yard sway. The hum of a passing vehicle is the only sound that breaks the silence. I'm sitting in my living room in the dark. The atmosphere is appropriate for this last post of 2020. This year has been challenging and trying, to say the very least. From the large scale probelems of a global pandemic, to losing friends and family, to still dealing with heartbreak and depression, to some pretty serious health issues, this is absolutely a year I'd like to forget. That said, I'm not so naive to think the problems will all go away because the calendar starts all over again tonight at midnight. The pandemic won't go away, my heart is still broken, and I'm still fighting my issues with my health. I have always been an open book. I've never been scared to tell people how I really feel - I'm just built that way. The reason I b

The Brownsville Blogosphere's Landscape is Changing

By Diego Garcia III | Editor of The Brownsville Beacon The times, they are a changin'. The Brownsville Blogosphere has been going through an evolution of sorts. It seems 2020 has seen changes everywhere. Jerry McHale, publisher of the McHale Report , often times refers to Brownsville as the blogging capital of Texas. That's probably because the city's newspaper is a shell of the shell it used to be. The old Herald  offices close to downtown sit abandoned and dormant. Their skeleton crew works out of an office in the VentureX Building off the expressway. Because of the Herald's lack of local reporting, bloggers have usually reported on local stories and provided Brownsvillians with the goings-on around town. But the bloggers aren't what they used to be. Brownsville has starred to see a shift from blogs to video blogs, or vlogs, that are posted to Facebook and YouTube. For years, the gold standard has been blogs by Brownsville blogging royalty - Juan Monto

Edinburg Athletic Programs put on 2-year Probation, Player Suspended, Coach Reprimanded

The UIL has dropped the hammer on the ECISD athletic department. From an article from Austin, Texas: (Austin, Texas) - The University Interscholastic League placed the entire Edinburg High School athletic programs on probation through the end of 2023.  Head football coach JJ Lejia was also put on a one year probation, including a public reprimand for infractions which occurred on the sidelines during the PSJA/Edinburg football game.  “We need to make sure that all programs at Edinburg High School understand the severity of this issue,” said Dr. Charles Breithaupt, Executive Director of the University Interscholastic League (UIL).  “We commends ECISD for their quick response to what happened with this incident.”

Florida Launches Another Rocket Into Space; Brownsville Gets An Exploding Grain Silo.

By Diego Garcia III | Editor of The Brownsville Beacon SpaceX closed off access to Boca Chica Beach a few days ago. That didn't stop people from driving out as far as they could on State Highway 4. Some excited onlookers took their kids to watch the SN9 Starship prototype launch into the sky. One minute left. The crowd waited with baited breath... The launch was cancelled. Everybody go home. That seems to be par for the course for Elon Musk and his merry band of swindlers. They tried it again. The excited onlookers once again drove out to see the launch. This time they were treated to an explosive firework show. The "flying grain silo," as we've affectionately named the starship prototype, flew eight miles into the air. It came back down and flipped over to land. It was supposed to slow down as it touched down on the launchpad. It didn't. It crashed onto the launchpad in a firey explosion of fuel and debris. One wonders just how far debris rained down

The Swindler Strikes Again: Tesla Service Center Coming Soon

By Diego Garcia III | Editor of The Brownsville Beacon Brownsville is known for refurbishing and repurposing things, particularly vehicles. Almost everybody knows a shade tree mechanic who can fix your car in a pinch without taking it to the dealership.  The Swindler, Elon Musk, wants to build a Tesla "service location" in Brownsville. If you're fortunate enough to own a Tesla, and it needs service, you must take it to a Tesla service center, and if you don't have the parts for it, the car will sit in a lot somewhere, rotting until Tesla can get a part for you.  If you have a minute, watch the video. I love how the guy asks for lugnut covers for a car only to have the Tesla employee on the other line ask "what do you need those for?"  The Swindler wants to expand his monopoly by building a service center here. I wonder how much money in tax breaks the city and the county are going to give up to this guy...again. My Beloved Brownsville, when will you ever lea