
Showing posts from May, 2020

As the World Burns the Only Ones Who Can Fix Us are Us.

By Diego Garcia III | Editor of The Brownsville Beacon During the COVID-19 pandemic, I had been self-quarantining, but it did not have to do with the illness. I had been self-quarantining from the news. All cable news had been covering were the people protesting the government decisions trying to keep people from spreading the virus. I had no desire to keep watching conspiracy theorists keep thinking their Constitutional rights were being violated because they were being asked to wear a mask or they were being asked to stay six feet away from other people. I decided to keep away from the news as ridiculous stories of ultra-aggressive hornets making their way to the West Coast began popping up. It wasn't enough thousands of people were dying of respiratory failure due to a virus; now people were going to have to keep an eye out for bugs that were more aggressive than the notorious killer bee. We kept descending along the downward spiral. Because of the COVID restrictions, ever

Be Careful What You Wish For...

By Diego Garcia III | Editor of The Brownsville Beacon The other day, I was perusing my Facebook news feed when a friend who could easily be categorized as a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist cleverly quipped about the apparent lack of terrorist attacks and the fact that mainstream media had seemed to forget about foreign terrorists and their sinister plots to wreak havoc in the United States. Apparently the gods were listening. This past Thursday, at approximately zero-six fifteen hours, a 20 year-old Syrian living in Corpus Christi approached the north gate of Naval Air Station Corpus Christi. Armed with a handgun, a shotgun, an an AR-15 style rifle, he tried breaking through the defenses where a female sailor was shot in the chest as she approached the vehicle to check for the driver's identification. Thankfully the sailor was wearing her body armor and the bullet took the pistol round, protecting the sailor. She was able to reach for the button that raised an emerge

Irresponsibility From Elected Officials on Social Media

By Diego Garcia III | Editor of T he Brownsville Beacon Are you ignorant, or apathetic? I don't know, and I don't care. I wonder if people who hold elected office realize just how dangerous it is to post things on social media when they have no proof, or no claims, to back up their story. The other day, I tore into another blogger via private message because he thought it would be a good idea to create a post that had little, to no, verifiable facts; and the few facts the post did contain didn't have any sort of citation. I don't pretend to be someone who has any sort of journalistic credentials. The only training I ever received in journalism was the direction of the teacher who published the school newspaper I used to draw cartoons for. I have never pretended to be someone with journalistic chops like a Juan Montoya or a Jerry McHale, but it doesn't take someone with a degree in journalism to know you have to be able to have verifiable sources when you c

Inside the Governor's Mind...


Will Bruciak do what Nixon did with the Watergate tapes?
