The Swindler Strikes Again: Tesla Service Center Coming Soon

By Diego Garcia III | Editor of The Brownsville Beacon

Brownsville is known for refurbishing and repurposing things, particularly vehicles. Almost everybody knows a shade tree mechanic who can fix your car in a pinch without taking it to the dealership. 

The Swindler, Elon Musk, wants to build a Tesla "service location" in Brownsville. If you're fortunate enough to own a Tesla, and it needs service, you must take it to a Tesla service center, and if you don't have the parts for it, the car will sit in a lot somewhere, rotting until Tesla can get a part for you. 

If you have a minute, watch the video. I love how the guy asks for lugnut covers for a car only to have the Tesla employee on the other line ask "what do you need those for?" 

The Swindler wants to expand his monopoly by building a service center here. I wonder how much money in tax breaks the city and the county are going to give up to this guy...again.

My Beloved Brownsville, when will you ever learn?

Link to the video mentioned:


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