By Diego Garcia III ★ Editor of The Brownsville Beacon The United States of America has always been a nation of immigrants. Ever since the first English colonists arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in 1607, the colonies that would eventually become the United States would see people from all over the world populate the territory. Spain had already sent explorers to the Americas before the English arrived on the East Coast of North America. By the time the 104 English settlers landed in Jamestown, explorers had landed in what would eventually become New Spain and had ventured northward into California, Texas, and as far away as Florida. Europeans brought new animals, foods, and disease to the New World. If Cortez, and the English, would have brought flowers rather than muskets, they still would have killed off the majority of the Native American population with the illnesses they brought. Eventually, the United States would be established after the colonists, with the help of the...