County Judge Holds Press Conference Urging Vaccination

By Diego Garcia III ★ Editor of The Brownsville Beacon

County Judge Eddie Treviño held a press conference Monday to urge county residents to consider getting their COVID-19 vaccine.

Some watching the press conference via The Brownsville Herald's Facebook page speculated Treviño was going to initiate another countywide lockdown. He didn't.

Instead, Treviño introduced several members of the local medical community, including county doctors, administrators of the Valley Baptist Health System, and one of Valley Baptist Harlingen's ER charge nurses.

The county has seen an increase of over 3000 cases during the last six weeks, and local hospitals are being filled to capacity once again. Officials said the current relaxation of mask mandates and increased social gatherings were to blame in the rise of COVID cases, particularly among young people.

One doctor who addressed those in attendance spoke about the inevitable rise in COVID-relates deaths the county will see as cases continue to increase.

Doctors and Treviño kept driving home the benefits of getting vaccinated as a means to prevent the spread of the vaccine, unnecessary hospitalizations, and death. During his address, one doctor mentioned all of the patients currently in the ICU are on a ventilator or some type of oxygen assistance and all of them are unvaccinated.

Treviño made an emotional plea to the people of Cameron County — "help us!" was his message.

"We've seen a market increase over the last several weeks..." Treviño continued, "That percentage of individuals under the age of 50 that has not been vaccinated — you're the ones who are spreading it now, you're the ones who are getting others sick, you're the ones who are putting other family members at risk, and putting them in the hospital and risk of death."

"Please...please do the right thing." Treviño is trying to convince people to get vaccinated and help stop the spread of the virus.

Officials said they felt their hands were tied by the state in regards to the TEA and the governor mandating students and teachers go back to school for in-person learning rather than allowing parents to choose online distance learning as an option. They urged parents and teachers to consider wearing a mask and social distancing as much as possible.

One doctor was quick to remind us parents don't have the option to choose whether or not they want to put their children in a safety seat or make their children wear seatbelts. 

The vaccination numbers have plateaued and doctors pointed out young people were not getting vaccinated in large numbers — the young community is basing their choice to not get vaccinated on their personal beliefs rather than science.

Treviño supports a mask mandate for schools and students, delaying the start of the school year, and giving parents the option to enroll their children in distance learning.

He also mentioned they are looking at all the legal options in implementing another mask mandate similar to what Dallas County has done, despite the governor's decision to remove the statewide mask mandate. He expects the commissioner's court to make a decision on a potential mask mandate tomorrow.

When asked what his thoughts were on those who still refuse to get vaccinated and believe conspiracy theorists on social media, Treviño became visibly frustrated and agitated. He replied, "That's not personal responsibility, that's personal and public destruction, that's's just damned wrong!" 

Treviño went on to chastise those who are trying to make political hay out of the vaccine. "This is not a political issue! This is a public health and safety issue! Help us! Help them! Please!"

The county administrators were asked if the vaccine would be required for county employees. They mentioned the possibility was being considered, however they continued to push voluntarily vaccination and personal choice.

After thanking those in attendance, Treviño ended the press conference. We'll see if the fireworks continue at tomorrow's commissioner's court meeting and if they'll vote to implement another mask mandate.


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