Local GOP Chairs Release Statements, Fail to Endorse Republican District 27 Candidate

By Diego Garcia III | Editor of The Brownsville Beacon

It seems the Democratic candidates for Senate District 27 won't only be competing for Democratic votes, they will also be competing for Republican votes as well. The local Republican Parties in Cameron and Willacy County released statements this past Tuesday urging Republicans not to support the Republican candidate for Senate District 27.

Wolf Chapa, the chairman of the Willacy County Republican Party released a statement on social media letting voters know "that our county executive committee has voted not to support the candidate running for SD 27. You know she is not a Republican nor does she have any of our values, not one!" Chapa further goes on to ask Republicans to spread the word and let voters know they believe the candidate, Vanessa Tijerina, has turned the election into a circus.

Morgan Cisneros Graham, the Cameron County Republican Party Chairman, echoed Chapa's sentiments. She asks Cameron County Republicans not to vote for the candidate, stating, "She despises a majority of the Republican platform, openly states she has no Republican or conservatives (sic) values..."

Cisneros closes her statement by saying, "It is one thing for a candidate to agree 80% with the party line, but to despise its core values is another."

The purpose of this article is not to smear the candidate. I couldn't care less about the candidate's personal life. That said, it is not surprising the Cameron and Willacy County Republican Parties have chosen to disavow Vanessa Tijerina and her candidacy for State Senate. 

Tijerina has openly stated her support for the self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders. In addition to her support for a presidential candidate who is on the complete opposite side of the Republican spectrum, she has stated she is pro-choice, pro gay marriage, supports a lax immigration policy, supports the decriminalization of marijuana. She also supports a pro-ACLU platform including giving felons the right to vote.

For the record, there is absolutely nothing wrong with adopting a pro-Democrat, liberal, left-wing platform. There is nothing wrong with supporting gay rights, or supporting a woman's right to choose. However, none of those things align with a Republican platform.

Also, there is absolutely no reason why we at the Beacon believe Tijerina should not run for office. If that's what she wants to do, then that's what she should do. However, running as a Republican to avoid having to go through the Democratic primary is akin to getting your name on the ballot by sneaking in the back door. Tijerina has proven her morals and ideals align with the Democrats. She should have run as a Democrat.

Whatever message Vanessa Tijerina was hoping to get across to the electorate will be drowned out by the fact her newly adopted political party has disowned her. 


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