Exploring the Virtue of Being a Good Person

By Diego Garcia III | Editor of The Brownsville Beacon

Edmund Burke is quoted as saying the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

For a very long time, I have done nothing. I have lived my life for others, not really taking care of myself or doing what I wanted to do. I wish I could go back in time and change some of that, but unfortunately that's not how it works. 

I started this blog for several reasons. One of them was to shed light on issues I think need addressing. Since Brownsville receives very little media coverage from local news outlets, I thought I would report on things I believe need attention.

Publishing the Beacon has definitely been an interesting experience — I've learned a lot these past few months. It has become very clear to me one needs to have a very thick skin if they're going to be sharing their opinions in a venue where the anonymous can opine and criticize. It is also clear there are going to be those who do not like what you write or what you think, no matter what.

It is very easy to equate bloggers to whistleblowers — many bloggers call attention to things they believe aren't being paid attention to enough, and a lot of the time whistleblowers are subjected to harsh retaliation and criticism. 

Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman was removed as Director for European Affairs for the National Security Council and escorted from the White House like a criminal because he stood by his convictions and testified against the president during the impeachment proceedings.

A Cameron County deputy clerk was fired for reporting illegal activity to the FBI and the Cameron County District Attorney's office. She is currently suing for wrongful termination alleging she is the victim of retaliation. Again, someone standing by their convictions and principles was fired for reporting illegal activity.

I get it's easier to turn a blind eye to things that are happening around you; it's easier to ignore them rather than talking about them. It is clear there are those who are going to criticize anything, and everything, I write. It would be easier to stop publishing my articles and editorials altogether, but I won't. 

When I was a young boy, I was a big fan of Robert Khan. Khan was the editor of The Brownsville Herald. I would read his editorials and I loved the way he would write and editorialize. I met him once as he was leaving the Vermillion. I went up to him, introduced myself, and told him I was a fan of his writing. He looked at me, gave me a wry smile and said, "Give them hell, kid."

It was good advice. No matter how many people want to attack or criticize me, I think I'll keep listening to Khan's advice.

I'll still keep fighting and bringing light to issues I think are being neglected; I've had enough of doing nothing.

I'll keep giving them hell.


  1. You write as if you're afraid to break a nail.

    1. I'm not afraid to break a nail, since I usually keep them pretty short, but I try not to be too vicious or disrespectful in my writing. I really can't do anything about people who don't like my writing or those who want to attack me. It is what it is.

  2. Better to have cowardly anonymous haters than true enemies my friend. Keep at this -- you have to do it for the illiterates and (hotheads such as myself who attack back) and those who need to and want to know. You have a much gentler approach and perspective than the cynics and high-profiling bloggers out there. Mr Montoya has been carrying a lot of this on his shoulders but it's good to read the words of a fresh new voice.

  3. I am recent reader to your blog and totally agree with the comments of KBRO. Brownsville needs a new voice that can provide helpful insights to community issues. Best of luck in your endeavor of making this community a better place to live in. Always remember what Robert Klan said to you, "Give them hell, kid."


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