Erasmo Castro Spotted Picking Up Candidate Packet at TSC

By Diego Garcia III | Editor of The Brownsville Beacon

Erasmo Castro was spotted picking up a candidate packet at the Texas Southmost College District Office on Wednesday.

It appears as if Castro, in addition to running for the District 38 State Representative office will be seeking election to the Texas Southmost College board of trustees. It is unclear what position he will be seeking.

His first hurdle as the Republican candidate for District 38 will be the upcoming March primary. However, it shouldn't be too difficult a hurdle to clear since he is running unopposed. 

Currently up for election in the May 2 election are Places 1, 2, and 4. The trustee office is a six-year term. Adela Garza is currently the Place 1 Trustee, Art Rendon is the Place 2 trustee, and Delia Saenz is the Place 4 trustee.

The $64,000 question begs to be asked: Can Castro even run for, and hold, two elected offices at the same time?

Yes, he can. According to the Texas Secretary of State's Elections Office legal counsel, and Section 141.033 of the Texas Election Code, "A candidate may not file applications for a place on the ballot for two or more offices that: are not permitted by law to be held by the same person; and are to be voted on at one or more elections held on the same day."

"Not permitted by law" means holding two offices that draw a salary. Since the TSC board members are not compensated financially, it would not be a violation of election law to hold both offices. State representatives are paid a minuscule salary. Since the trustee election and the state representative elections are held on two different days, in two different election cycles, he is in the clear. 

Will we soon start seeing "Castro for TSC Trustee" signs placed along side "Castro for State Representative" signs? Will Castro be spreading himself too thin campaigning for two offices? 

Conventional wisdom says Castro stands more of a chance to get elected to the TSC board instead of the loftier office of state representative, albeit a razor-thin chance. Castro may very well have caused his campaign irreparable damage by resigning his position on the school board. 

In addition to the resignation, Castro continues to do damage to his candidacy and reputation by resorting to his usual online behavior. He often times posts references making fun of his drunk driving charge and continues posting unsubstantiated, unproven attacks on several other elected officials.

I fail to see why Castro can't seem to get out of his own way. Although he consistently makes references to his "haters" and his critics, he is apparently unaware of the obvious — Castro is his own worst enemy.

In person, he is not an evil person. He is not the devil his critics make him out to be. He has no horns, no tail, and no cloven hooves. He is friendly, personable, and not disrespectful. At least, he hasn't been whenever we've met or whenever we've had a conversation. The last time we spoke, I tried telling him to focus on the positive and to avoid getting entangled in silly online fights. He did not seem to be too interested in my advice. He quickly changed the subject to Sylvia Atkinson and how people were so busy calling for his removal that they were not focusing on the accusations of Atkinson's felonious activities.

We have absolutely no control over what happens to other people. There's no point in worrying about what other people are doing or what other politicians are accused of. If they are engaged in inappropriate behavior, and they are being investigated, they will be made to account for their actions. We can only control our own decisions and actions. 

It is a pity someone who clamored for so much change finally got an opportunity to effect change only to squander it in such spectacular fashion. One wonders if he'll ever get the chance to serve the people,and the community, again.

Is there another campaign announcement being planned? Is Castro planning an event at a local law office? Will there be a press conference where Castro will announce his intentions? I guess we'll have to stay tuned to his social media pages to find out.

The 2020 elections are definitely shaping up to be interesting, to say the least.


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