'Twas the Night of Christmas...

By Diego Garcia III | Editor of The Brownsville Beacon

The offices of the Beacon are quiet. WIth the exception of the occasional thunderous boom, crack, and pop of of the fireworks Brownsvillians are illegally firing off, things are calm.

Traffic has calmed down, and there aren't too many people driving around. Those who are driving around are probably looking for a spot to pick up a late dinner. For the record, Easy To Go Tacos on Military is open.

There hasn't been any breaking news within the last couple of days. Things are pretty serene. In the distance, corridos pierce the silence, obviously some neighbors down the street are enjoying their carne asada with friends and family.

The Beacon has only been around for a couple of months, but the editorial staff would like to express their gratitude for the readers we have accumulated. We would also like to thank those who have done their part to help spread the word of a new blog in town. A very special thank you goes out to Frank Mar of Nomorecheezmeh Official and Jerry McHale of The McHale Report

There are still several stories in the water supply, literally and figuratively. If you haven't read up on the Military Highway water supply, I suggest visiting the McHale Report and El Rrun Rrun. The Castro and Atkinson soap opera has taken a brief break for Christmas, just like the impeachment debacle has. 

The Iowa Caucus is 40 days away, and the primary season is around the corner. Those stories will also continue to be covered by the Brownsville Blogosphere and the Herald.

For now, enjoy the holiday season. Enjoy Christmas, Hanukkah, and every other holiday that is celebrated around this time. We all hope you are spending time with the ones you love.

May you also have a Happy New Year. I would be lying if I told you I wasn't looking forward to this calendar year ending. It has been a tumultuous and stressful year. I can only hope 2020 is better than 2019 was.

From all of us at The Brownsville Beacon, thank you, and we all hope you had a very Merry Christmas and may you have a prosperous New Year.


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